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January 10th, 2022: Closet Cleanout Challenge


Clean out your closets, list, and be automatically entered to win! Kidizen is having a 7-Day Closet Clean Out Challenge. Every day complete the challenge and get automatically entered into the giveaway just by listing! Here are the details:


  • Go through your closets and pull out items that no longer fit or are not being worn that are in the category of the day. You can find the category of the day posted on our Instagram, Facebook, or in the app under the Seller Corner group.  
  • Take pictures and get them listed on Kidizen on that day before 1am EST. Need help listing? We’ve got you covered HERE.
  • Items must be listed under the category of that day in order to be counted as an entry. 
  • Every listing is an entry into the giveaway in which 5 winners per day will win a $25 Kid Credit each. Winners will be randomly drawn and contacted the following day via in-app message and email. 
  • Want to share on social? Tag us and use the hashtag #kidizenclosetcleanout
  • Repeat and complete the 7-day challenge!
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