We ask that all sellers include a condition for their item while listing and disclose any flaws. Here are what those conditions mean:
- New with Tags (NWT) - tags from the original retailer are attached, item has never been used/worn and is free of defects.
- New without Tags (NWOT) - tags from the original retailer have been removed but item has never been used/worn/altered or washed and is free of defects. Includes handmade items.
- Excellent Used Condition (EUC) - item may have been lightly used/worn and must not have any signs of wear or defects which includes pilling, writing on labels (i.e. “This belongs to”, etc), other defects. Like-new.
- Very Good Used Condition - item has been used/worn and has the following defects which must be disclosed in the item description: LIGHT wash wear (color fading and/or pilling) in clothing/textiles, minor scuffs from light wear on soles of shoes. Writing of any kind on both clothing/textiles and shoes.
- Good Used Condition (GUC) - item has been used/worn and has the following defects which must be disclosed in the item description: MODERATE wash wear (color fading and/or pilling), minor stains (not visible to the naked eye), missing closures (buttons, snaps, etc) that are not essential to functionality, scuffs throughout and visible heel wear on soles of shoes. Writing of any kind on both clothing/textiles and shoes.
- Play Condition - item has been heavily used/worn and has the following defects which must be disclosed in the item description: heavy wash wear (color fade/pilling), heavy pilling, shrinkage, holes, tears, snags, heavy stains (visible to the naked eye), missing or broken closures (buttons, snaps, zippers) essential to functionality on clothing/textiles, major scuffs, scratches, stains, holes, tears, heavy wear on soles, missing or broken closures (laces, snaps, zippers, velcro), separating soles (sole splitting off from shoe) of shoes. Writing of any kind on both clothing/textiles and shoes.