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Client Tutorial: Getting Started in the Kidizen App


Getting started in the Kidizen app as a new Style Scout client:

  • Your Style Scout will send you an invite through the app for you to be their client. This notification/alert will go under the Alerts tab. To access this, go to the bottom navigation bar and tap on Alerts. This brings you to the alerts section in the app. There are 3 types of alerts: Orders, Me, and Alerts. Your invite alert will be located in Alerts. Tap on that (it will have a red dot by it) and you will be able to view your invite and contract terms. Tap on I Accept after viewing.
  • Go back to the bottom navigation menu and you will see Me, tap on that. This is your profile which as a client you don’t have to do anything with, however this is where your home base will be. Alerts will also be a place you want to check when you are in the app. About half way down the screen you will see Orders, Messages, Invite Friends, and My Style Scout.

                     Orders: You can view anything you purchase in the app here.

                     Messages: View and respond to messages.

                     Invite Friends: You can share your referral code to your friends and earn credit.

                     My Style Scout: This is where you can view your Style Scout, your items that are                                                 currently listed, and your sales.

  • Your Style Scout will let you know when you will be paid. All of your sales are payable to you 7 days after the item is delivered in case of refunds or mail trouble). Once you are paid, your money will be in your Kid Bucks cash account (the piggy bank in your profile). Tap on this and you can view the amount you have. You can use this money to spend on other great items in Kidizen, or you can cash out the money to your bank account or PayPal account. 


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