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Bundle-Only Items


Designate any listing in your shop as “bundle-only”. When you create your listing, you’ll see the option to designate it “bundle-only” near the bottom of your screen. This means that a buyer can add it to their cart but will need to add another item from your shop in order to check out. You can change this setting at any time under Edit Listing.

Bundle-only listings are eligible for shop discounts unless you, the seller, designate the listing with “exclude from discount”. If there are 2 bundle-only items in a buyers cart they will be able to be purchased together. 


How to designate a current listing to be bundle-only:

Go to your listing and tap on Edit and then Edit again:



Scroll to the bottom of the listing screen to see the bundle-only and exclude from discount options. 




Once you tap on Update My Listing, you will see to the right of the price that it is now Bundle-Only.



When you create your listing, you’ll see the option to designate it “bundle only” near the bottom of your screen. Your bundle-only item will be included in the shop discount unless you also exclude the item from your shop discount. 



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