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Ratings & Reviews


How Ratings & Reviews Work

Buyers can leave a rating & review for the seller on their purchase as soon as the item is showing as delivered in the app or as soon as the order is refunded. Buyers use a 5 star rating system (5 being the highest) to rate their experience with the seller as well as leave a review with their rating. A seller is allowed to respond once to a review left by a buyer. 

To leave a review, go into the order screen in the app and towards the bottom is a box to Rate Your Experience. Tap on that to leave your review. An in-app notification will remind you to leave a review 24 hours after the item is delivered (or will send one out if the order is refunded). 


Where Will Ratings & Reviews Appear?

Ratings will appear in the shop profile towards the top. Tapping on these stars will take you to all of the sellers ratings & reviews that have been left. 


What About Previous Feedback Left by Buyers?

Prior to us implementing the new public Ratings & Reviews we had a private way for a buyer to leave feedback through email. Previous feedback left through these emails are unable to be added to the new Ratings & Reviews since we have added an entirely new system. 


How Do I Deal With Negative Reviews?

How you respond to any negative reviews will make all the difference. We encourage you to respond in a positive way that reflects on you and your shop.  

  • Try and fix the issue if you are still able to
  • Post a public response to the review

You can also privately message them to ask them to consider changing their review after you have addressed the issue by having them contact us at so that we may edit it. Reviews are unable to be edited unless the buyer emails us to change a review. If you are unable to reach to buyer, feel free to reach out to us and we will also attempt to reach out via email. 

Any feedback left that contains inappropriate content or language can be reported to Kidizen for removal by tapping on the red Report next to the comment. 




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