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Sharing (Bumping) Items


We know it takes a lot of work to get your listings in front of shoppers, so we’re making it easier with a new way to share! Now you can bump individual items—including your own—to the top of the Shop feed by tapping the Share button on any listing page. Bonus: Your followers will receive a notification inviting them to check out items you’ve shared recently.

How to share: Tap the Share button, located on the lower right hand area of any listing photo. From there, you can choose to share to your followers inside Kidizen or to your outside networks.




How to see shared listings: Recently bumped items will show up at the top of the Shop feed. To see who has shared your listing, simply tap the share tally below the listing’s description. The share tally will only be visible if the item has been shared by someone. (Note: You will also receive a notification when it is shared.)





How it works: You can share as many items as you want—and that includes your very own listings! To keep the Shop feed uncluttered, you may only share each unique listing once per hour.

Staying connected with Sharing: You will receive a notification when someone you follow shares more than XX listings. Tapping on this notification will take you to all the items they have shared with their most recently shared on top. You can turn this on and off by going to your Settings in the app. Find out more on how to do this here

This change provides more opportunity for shoppers to ask questions they may have on your products right in the comments, greater visibility for shops to respond without their conversations getting lost, and more time for everyone to do what they love in Kidizen—shop, share, and connect with other moms!



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