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Sales Notifications


When you make a sale, you should receive the following notifications:

  • Email notification to the email address you have associated with your Kidizen account 
  • In-app notification to your Orders tab in the Alerts section of the app (access by tapping on the Alerts button at the bottom of the app)
  • Push notification if you have push enable for the Kidizen app

If you are not receiving email notifications, first check your spam folder, and if you use Gmail check the Promotions tab. Also check to make sure the email address you have associated with your Kidizen account is the one you use. To change your email address, go to your Settings in the Kidizen app and tap on Edit Profile. 

To check your in-app notifications, tap on the Alerts button at the bottom of the app screen and then tap on Orders. If you are not receiving in-app notifications when you make a sale, contact Customer Support by going to the Help tab in your Settings. 

If you are not receiving push notifications, you will want to check your phone settings to make sure you have push enabled for Kidizen by going to Settings on your phone, tapping on Notifications, and then the Kidizen app icon. 

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