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Feb 19th, 2024: Shipping Increase Effective March 1st.

In January, USPS increased their shipping prices across the board for all customers. Effective March 1st, 2024, Kidizen will be adjusting our shipping label prices in accordance with these increases. The new prices will be as follows:
Under 1Ib:
Less than 4 oz. = $4.75
Less than 8 oz. = $5.15
Less than 12 oz.= $6.15
Less than 16 oz. = $7.15
Over 1Ib:
Less than 5 lbs. = $9.50
Less than 10 lbs. = $12.95
Less than 20 lbs. = $15.95
Flat Rate Padded Envelope = $10.60
We’ve also got some good news! We are adding Media Mail into our shipping label options. Media Mail is restricted ONLY to books and other media. It is important this label is not used for clothing, shoes, accessories, or anything other than media as it is subject to search and may either be confiscated, sent back to the sender, or charged for additional postage. Read the rules surrounding media mail here. Media Mail is currently being added and should be available in March.
We are continuing to see a lot of underpaid postage charges and want to emphasize how important it is to weigh your packages. USPS is weighing all packages and if your package is found to be over the weight designated on the label on the package, you will be charged. Also, using carrier-branded packaging such as USPS Priority Flat Rate boxes could result in an underpaid postage charge. After 3 underpaid postage charges, there will be a $2 penalty fee added to each additional charge.
If you are not familiar with how underpaid postage charges work, visit our FAQ.
To learn more about our label options, visit our FAQ.
Please note a couple of frequently asked questions:
  • We are unable to automatically update the prices of those that break out shipping. This is because we do not have a buyer paid shipping system. When you break out shipping costs, this is merely showing the estimated cost of shipping when it is shipped out. While we discussed many times switching to a buyer paid shipping system and it may happen in the future, this is not currently in the works due to how large of an overhaul this is on our system.
  • We have looked into adding a 2-pound option many times and realize how hard the jump is, especially when something is barely over 16oz. (Trust me, I feel the pain too!) Unfortunately, everyone we have contacted about a 2-pound label option is at the same price as our 5-pound label. It wouldn't make sense for us to have a 2-pound label when it would be the same as our 5-pound.
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