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Order Not Received


As a buyer on Kidizen, you are protected with Kidizen Protection if the order is never shipped or is lost in transit. Here's what to do if you do not receive an order you purchased on Kidizen:

  • Order Not Shipped: If the order has not shipped, the first step is to reach out to the seller to inquire about your order. If you do not receive a response after 48 hours, you can select the Request Refund Option at the bottom of the Order Detail screen. The Request Refund option is available once 7 days have passed from the purchase date. Once you select the Request Refund option, you will be automatically refunded if the order does not have tracking information from the seller. If there is tracking information but it does not show as shipped, the seller is first contacted before the refund is issued.

  • Lost In Transit: If the order was shipped but the tracking number shows that it did not arrive at its destination, please Reach out to Support so that we can issue you a full refund. 
  • Delivered But Not Received: If the tracking number shows that the order was delivered, you will need to contact your local post office so that they can investigate as refunds are not issued for these. If the post office is able to confirm that the postal carrier delivered the order and theft is suspected, we recommend contacting your local police department to file a report. 
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