If a buyer is unhappy with an item they have received, the first step is to message the seller to let her know about the issue. Most sellers work hard to correct any mistakes they may have made. We encourage you to send photos of the item to the seller that clearly shows evidence of any flaws. Photos can be sent to sellers via in-app Message.
As a seller, you can work directly with the buyer to resolve the issue. Some sellers offer a partial refund so that they don't need to deal with a return (you can issue full and partial refunds by scrolling to the bottom of the Order Detail screen and selecting Issue Full/Partial Refund). Or you can have the buyer return the item to you for a full refund.
How to do a Return:
1. Go to the order screen in the app, towards the bottom is an option to Purchase a Return Label. This will charge your account and send a return label to the buyer. Why does it charge your account? Because the buyer isn't responsible for any flaws on the item that were not disclosed in the original listing. If the return is for different reasons and the buyer has offered to pay shipping, the buyer can contact us to have a return shipping label sent on their behalf. The return label option is only available if you purchased the original label through the app. If you purchased from elsewhere, just contact us and let us know what size label you need sent and what the order number is. Give the buyer a timeline in which they have to ship it back. Shipping labels expire so we recommend giving the buyer a week to ship it back. If no timeline is discussed, and the buyer doesn't ship it back within 30 days, then the label will need to be canceled and the return forfeited. A message will need to be sent to the buyer and the seller will need to reach out to support to have the label canceled.
2. Once the buyer ships it back to you, you can then issue a refund by going into the order screen in the app. Once a refund is issued it cannot be reversed which is why we recommend waiting until it is shipped back to issue a refund. Note that the Marketplace Fee is automatically returned to you when a refund is issued so there is no additional cost to the seller. If you do not have enough in your Kid Bucks account to cover the refund, you will need to make sure you have a payment method on file that can be charged. You can do this by going to Me > Settings > Payment.
If you and the seller have tried in earnest and are simply not able to agree upon a resolution, then the next step is for the buyer to open a Refund Claim.