If your Kid Bucks cash account remains inactive for more than a year, a maintenance fee will be applied. We will send emails letting you know before we do this. To avoid a fee incurring, simply do one of the following:
1. Make a purchase using your Kid Bucks cash
2. Cash out to your bank or PayPal account
3. Make a sale and ship it so the money goes into your Kid Bucks cash
Why did I receive this email?
You have received this email because your Kid Bucks cash account has not been active in over a year. This means your available balance has not changed at all. You will need to either use your Kid Bucks by making a purchase or you can cash out your available Kid Bucks. If this is not done, a maintenance fee will be charged to your Kid Bucks cash. This fee is applied to dormant accounts for each month of inactivity past the first 12 months, but will not exceed the total amount available in your account. Just so you know, payment methods linked to your account will NOT be charged. If a balance remains after the fee is applied, Kidizen is legally obligated to turn the funds over to your state as unclaimed property after 3 years of account inactivity.
What does having a dormant Kid Bucks cash account mean?
Having a dormant Kid Bucks cash account means that your Kid Bucks cash balance has not changed in over a year. To activate it again in order to avoid the fee you MUST do one of the following: make a purchase, cash out your available balance or make a sale and promptly ship it so that the funds are released to your account (which changes your Kid Bucks balance). Please note that simply logging in or listing items will not activate your Kid Bucks cash account.
I can't access my account. Help!
We would be happy to help you get access to it again. Please contact us at hello@kidizen.com and let us know so we can assist you further.
I requested a password reset but did not receive the email.
Sometimes password reset emails go to spam or promo folders so be sure to check there first. If you are still not seeing it, please contact us at hello@kidizen.com so that we may assist.
I logged in but can't cash out.
If your account is on hold you won’t be able to cash out. We would be happy to remove the hold for you so that you may do so. Please contact us at hello@kidizen.com to request this.
I have tried to cash out but I am unable to do so because my balance is less than $2.
If you receive a dormant account email, we have waived the minimal cash out amount for you one time so you can cash out less than $2. If you haven’t been able to cash out in the past due to this, you should now be able to. Please note that there is a $0.25 fee to cash out to PayPal, but cashing out through a bank account is free.
What if I do not wish to cash out?
No further action is needed. The maintenance fee will be applied to your Kid Bucks account until it reaches $0. Should any funds remain after 3 years, they will be turned over to your state.
When is the fee processed?
The fee is processed on a monthly basis, starting a month after the date your Kid Bucks cash account goes dormant. The fee will continue to be processed monthly until your Kid Bucks balance changes (from a purchase, making a sale, or cashing out), your Kid Bucks balance goes to 0, or until your cash account has remained dormant for 3 years in which the remaining funds get turned over to your state.
How is the fee calculated?
If your Kid Bucks cash balance remains inactive for more than a year, a maintenance fee will be deducted from your account balance on a monthly basis in the amount of up to $5, depending on the amount in your account. If your account balance is less than $5, you will only be charged the amount that remains in your account.
Why are you charging this fee?
This is a maintenance fee being applied to your inactive account. Kidizen is legally obligated to turn the funds over to your state as unclaimed property after 3 years.