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October 3, 2017: iOS Update 5.1.1: Collections are here!


Create, discover, and share any combination of items on Kidizen with Collections!

What is a collection?

A Collection is a group of items curated by a user, given a special title, and stored the the user's page. Collections can consist of a buyer's wishlist items, organized sections of a seller's shop, items that showcase  a kids' style, curated items from a particular theme, hashtag collections, etc.

How do I create a collection?

1. Find an item you like, scroll down to the icons, and tap the [+] Collections icon

 iOS_511_PDP.PNG      iOS_511_AddtoCollection.PNG

2. Tap "Create New Collection" to start a collection featuring that item


3. Give it a name & a description & hit that checkmark to submit!



Where do I find collections?

Collections live on your profile page. Tap Me > Collections to view yours.
Tap "Collections" on shop pages to see a list of all of the collections they've made too!

 iOS_511_UserPage.PNG           iOS_511_CollectionDetail.PNG


How do I share a Collection?

Just tap into a Collection from the Collections tab on a shop page, then tap the Share icon in the title



 * Happy Curating! *


On Android? Don't have the app downloaded?
You can still create collections! Android | Web

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