Want to say something about a listing?
Scroll down on a listing and tap the comment box to leave a public comment or question. **A lot of sellers receive many notifications due to their listings being commented on because they "bump" (comment on a listing so it bumps it to the top of the feed). Any questions or offers you have on an item, it is best to send the seller a direct message. You can do this right through the item by tapping on the box with the up arrow in the listing > message seller.
Need to take it back?
In iOS, swipe left on the comments you want to delete and a red delete box will show up.
In Android, tap the little grey x next to any comment you want to delete.
Need a comment deleted that you didn't write?
Write in to Support to request the comment be removed.
Need to speak privately?
If you need to message another user directly, tap on their shop name, scroll down below the bio, and tap "Message" to write a direct message to that user.
Check your messages by tapping Me from the bottom navigation and then the paper airplane icon below your profile.