When you make a sale, you now have money pending in your account which will be released to you when you ship the order. To see your account balance, go to Me > Settings > Kid Bucks.
Your next step is to either purchase a shipping label or enter a tracking number, which you can do on the Order Detail screen for your order. Kidizen requires that you purchase either a Kidizen-provided shipping label (which will automatically add the Sendle tracking code to the order) or enter the tracking number if shipping via a different method to ensure payment. Other benefits of purchasing a shipping label through Kidizen can be found here. Tracking must be entered and scanned in within 7 days of the purchase date or the buyer can request a refund.
Once you have shipped your order and the label has been scanned in by USPS, your funds (sale proceeds less the marketplace fee) will move from Pending Kid Bucks to Redeemable Kid Bucks. The reason for the delay in payment is so that buyers can be issued a refund if a seller does not ship within 7 days. We believe that it's important to provide buyers with a positive purchasing experience which, in turn, can results in more sales for our sellers.
You can then use your Redeemable Kid Bucks to make a purchase on Kidizen or you can cash out to either a bank account (no fee) or to a PayPal account ($0.25 fee). To do so, go to your profile > Settings > Kid Bucks, and click on your redeemable balance.
For new accounts, there is a wait period of 72 hours from the time you create your account before you are able to cash out.