To find items you are looking for, as well as viewing items only in the sizes you need, the search and filter will be your best friends.
First, start by tapping on SHOP at the bottom navigation bar. You have 2 ways to narrow down items you are looking for, as well as a sort. Here's how to use them:
You will notice in the upper left-hand corner a small magnify glass. This is your search. You can use this to search for keywords as it will pick up the word if it is in the listings title or description. You can also use this keyword search when you are looking for brands that are not listed on the brand list yet. Looking for star items? Type in star and hit search on your keyboard.
Now, if you JUST want to see these star items that are in your kids sizes, you will need to apply the filter as well. In the lower right-hand corner is a round blue button that says Filter. Tap on this. You can then go through the steps to create a filter OR apply a filter that has already been saved. If you are creating a filter for the first time and want to keep it in your saved filters, be sure that after you complete the filter steps that you hit SAVE instead of apply. Once it is saved, you can then apply it to the feed.
One more thing! You can also sort the listings depending on what you want to see first. You can locate sort by looking in the upper left-hand corner again and below the magnify glass is an up arrow down arrow icon. Tap on that to bring up your sorting options. Popular refers to items that have been bumped to the top because they have been commented on recently or have a certain amount of favorites.
Happy Shopping!